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Curriculum login information:

My Math/Glencoe Math

My Math / California Math Parent Information

Dear Parent,
Now that you have chosen Glencoe/MyMath, you will need access to the many online resources it provides. This curriculum's answer key and teacher's edition is online. Please watch ALL of the below videos so you get an idea of what is available and how to access the content.
You will be sharing the teacher's account with your student so they have access to the tutor videos that come with this curriculum. The website and login information can be found below. PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THE LOGIN INFORMATION as other families rely on the same account. Go to and then insert the login information to access that grade level's resources.  

Kindergarten - Username: KINDERGAC6, Password: kinder1
1st - Username: FIRSTGRAC5, Password: first1
2nd - Username: SECONDGRC3, Password: second2
3rd - Username: THIRDGRAC3, Password: third3
4th - Username: FOURTHGRC5, Password: fourth4
5th - Username: FIFTHGRAC3, Password: fifth5
6th - Username: SIXTHGRAC2, Password: sixth6
7th - Username: SEVENTHGC2, Password: seventh7
8th - Username: EIGTHGRC2, Password: eighth8

How Do I access Answer Keys? (logins above)

Tutor Videos

Pacing My Math

Glencoe e-solutions 

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